DadCast Episode 12 – The 2010 Gold Rush

Olympic Size Flank Steaks
In Canada… We light our barbcues with the Olympic Flame wrapped in 14 Gold Medals

Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay…

Pardon our momentary outburst of Canadian Pride while we review the Vancouver Winter Games and bask in the glow of Canada 14 Gold medals. The most amount of for any host nation and the most amount of total golds for any winter games. And to cap it all off, we sent the Yanks packing with a glorious overtime goal by Sidney Crosby in overtime.

Dads on this week’s call: François Fortier, Stéphane Denault, Steve McGurn, and Ben NotKenobi.



4 responses to “DadCast Episode 12 – The 2010 Gold Rush”

  1. Your reading of the Bit Burger tag line offended entire German speaking population of the planet! You may well have initiated WW3 with this Dad Cast!!!

  2. Funny enough, our resident Kraut wasn't around to help me out with pronunciation…

  3. Linemanal

    Hey! How about that! # 12 Dadcast, I under stood what you were talking about. Lucky me.I love the statement “We're on top & we're bigger”……………big is good, bigger is better!! What, no comment on curling & skip Bernard? very photogenic. Further enlightenment is required. Enough with the NHL “fatcats” & overpriced/overpaid players? May have to start watching hockey again to enable constructive or destuctive criticism……as the case may be. Ciao.

  4. Lineman Al,
    You Rock Sir! In all fairness we will have to review the Canadian Cougar Bernard in the next DadCast.