ReviewsTech Robbers give the Canadian iPhone Owners the Shaft June 29, 2008 1229 views Make sure you stop by to sign the petition and let Robbers Telecom know that they can’t keep giving Canadians…
FunnyTech Steve Jobs Keynote in 60 secs June 10, 2008 886 views Not quite as exciting as the last one but this version is still better than watching the full length version.
ReviewsTech Google Reader Shared Notes: For Only The Laziest of Bloggers June 3, 2008 1158 views Anyone know how to get my Google Reader Shared Notes to feed directly into my blog as new posts? Yes…
FunnyReviews Canadian and International Price of Gas Continues to Rise June 2, 2008 896 views Especially the week before and long weekend and a national holiday. Bastards! (if the above image is yours, my apologies…