Tag: top gear
TomTom iPhone app vs Garmin nüvi (rental car edition)
It feels like yesterday that I wrote the TomTom Go 720 vs Garmin nüvi 255 article (http://www.2fatdads.com/2009/06/tomtom-go-720-vs-garmin-nuvi-255/). Our editor JohnnyCanuck has been hounding me to come up with a follow up article. I’ve left a few on the shelf, waiting for a more current spin. As life would have it, I’ve been traveling a lot…
Quite Possibly The Best Road Test Ever
Thanks to John Gruber at Daring Fireball for this find. If there is one show I really truly miss from the Beeb it’s Top Gear. Jeremy’s Clarkson is such a well spoken and intelligent presenter and writer that you completely overlook the fact that he’s a cowboy boot wearing petrol headed hooligan. Watch it all…