ReviewsTech Free To Air, GoodBye Express-Vu! November 11, 2008 1450 views I have had a tumultuous relationship with Bell Express-Vu since day one. In fact, my relationship with Express-Vu is not…
ReviewsTech Bell GPS-Gate Update October 6, 2008 1048 views It would appear that Bell has decided to back off it’s initial plan to thwart 3rd party access to the GPS…
ReviewsTech Bell is now crippling GPS on BlackBerry September 26, 2008 1471 views This is a story that is making it way around the tech crowd a lot this but has not gotten…
ReviewsTech Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses! March 26, 2008 4140 views Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet…