Tag: smartphone

  • The Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge

    These guys take set up a couple of phones in front of a pitching machine. The Nokia Lumia 920 gets hit with a fast ball, keeps filming and looks great afterwards, Samsung Galaxy SIII not so much: Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge http://youtu.be/J3oUkgk6vSY Pretty sure that none of the iPhones would survive this, nor would I…

  • Is the iPhone The New Digital Wingman?

    Is the iPhone The New Digital Wingman?

    One of the main Dad duties we have is to be each others Wing-man on important events like new super-hero movies, deck building, boat launching and of course the un-boxing of new gadgets. However this new Infographic from [NuanceMobileLife](http://www.nuancemobilelife.com/mobile-personal-assistants-are-the-new-digital-wingman-infographic/) might mean that we can finally fly solo from time to time.

  • iPhones Beware: Household Danger Zones for Smartphones

    iPhones Beware: Household Danger Zones for Smartphones

    As gadget addict we have run into our fair share of drops and breakages. This is a cleaver Infographic from [SquareTrade](http://visual.ly/iphone-danger-zones) illustrating the most common hot sports for drops and breakages.

  • Smartphone Etiquette Posters for the Office

    I should have used this poster in my Staying Connected while Gaining Discipline post. These are so awesome that I might actually use the plotter at work and print it out. Vintage Style Smartphone Etiquette Posters: The posters are inspired from the old safety posters of the ’40s through the ’60s that would be put up…

  • Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore on Checking Boxes

    “We are going to keep coming back. You might get one answer today, you might get another answer later,” he says. “We’re not done until we’ve checked all the boxes.” And that really is the problem, it’s about coming back to a product after a big launch to tell your user that you got it…

  • Waxing nostalgic about keyboards

    Waxing nostalgic about keyboards

    When I first learned to type it was on a type writer! A manual, slam-the-keys type writer. After writing a paper on one of these things your finger muscles positively bulged and your wrists were sweating. It was a cardio work-out! Then came computers and the venerable IBM keyboards. You know the ones, that were…

  • The Skinny on Windows Phone 8: Better for Business

    The Skinny on Windows Phone 8: Better for Business

    Here is the summary of the key points brought up today at the Windows Phone 8 announcement, which is slated to be released in the fall. You can view the live coverage of the event here ##The Good Things: Shared Core support, the phone will essentially use the same kernel and even drivers as Windows…

  • BlackBerry Maintains Major Canadian Market Share, iPhone Still No1 Device

    Juice mobile claims: >“RIM’s death may be exaggerated and Android is taking a bite out of Apple.” For now. The iPhone is the #1 selling phone, but RIM maintains 50% of Canadian market share. As for the source of the research: Neil Sweeney, President and CEO of Juice, stated their reach covers >“hundreds of applications…

  • The State Of The BlackBerry

    The State Of The BlackBerry

      I will make no excuses for our past criticism and scrutiny of the Waterloo based Research In Motion. Over the past year they have seen their share price drop $50, from $75+ to a mere $13 recently (two-thirds of the total value). RIM missed crucial deadlines with the PlayBook and then under delivered on…

  • Nexus Face Unlock FAIL

    Nexus Face Unlock FAIL

    I recently got my hand on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus for review, it’s the Google Android 4.0 Prime phone. It’s very fast, very big and very Googly. One of the main features being advertised is its facial recognition feature that unlock your phone jut by looking it. I’m sure you seen the ad of the…