Tag: Science
Today on Flacking the Flicks: Terminator Salvation DVD review.
**Attention – Spoilers ahead** The Terminator films have become classics within the Sci-Fi/Action realm, 25 years after the initial release. Most of you know the the story; one man, John Connor, is the leader of the human Resistance against Skynet and his mechanical minions. The humans band together under his leadership and eventually destroy the…
NASA to Launch SpaceTubes
According to Engagdet : “a team of diligent engineers at the California-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory, standards for space communications could be established in just three short years, meaning that an “interplanetary internet” could be just around the bend.” Great, now we’re paying astronauts and and Mars landing rovers to watch YouTube videos while they galaxy…
Kopi Luwak Coffee: $h!t , That’s Good Coffee!
This is by far the coolest coffee in the world! In fact, I tell just about everyone I meet about Kopi Luwak coffee and no one ever believes me until I email them the Wiki link. It’s amazing that the Royal Family and Oprah would pay $65 a cup to drink something that came out…
Please be GREEN, For Gallager’s Sake
Or else he will continue to make videos like this one. Thanks to Merlin Mann’s Kung Fu Grippe for unearthing this. (all bad puns are intentional)
Zero Emission Air Car
I saw this idea for the zero emission air car and thought it sounded pretty cool except for the fact that it still requires energy to compress the air that push the pistons to provide drive. I was a little more skeptical when they start talking about how the engine that drives the car could…
The Story Of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a great video and a fantastically well narrated tale of how our consumer needs are unsustainable and are not only putting our way of life at risk but are also irreversibly damaging our fragile little Blue Planet. Annie Leonard presence through out the whole video, chatting away in the bottom…
WiFi Booster Antennas and Signal Improvement tips
If you don’t get the internet speeds you pay for, your wireless internet router signal is probably the reason. Although many factors affect internet speeds, your Wi-Fi signal can make or break your home internet experience. When Facebook won’t load upstairs due to slow internet, it may be time to make your Wi-Fi signal stronger at…
PleaseDoNotReply@bbc.co.uk: Rude & Cold yet Polite & Very British!
Only the British can so polite as to basically tell you to bugger off politely because you’re email can’t be handled by an automated reply system and get away with it. I sent an email to the Beeb stating that they really need to get started on making online video available to Linux and Apple…
Airbus A319 Crosswind Landing Montreal-Dorval
Eric Just sent this in: Airbus A319 Crosswind Landing Montreal-Dorval on Video.ca As you know the Airbus 380 did a test landing and take-off from Montreal today. Here is what an Airbus 319 does here in Montreal with a heavy crosswind. Imagine the A380………..
Airbus A380 Lands at Trudeau Aiport, Monteal
Here are a couple of Flash Video’s from this morning’s arrival of the Airbus A380 at Montreal’s Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport. Robert from work also took some video of the landing, his is from his Motorola Q and surprisingly, I like his video more. The flood gates have opened up and now everyone is sending…