Tag: review
How can I post to Google Plus, Twitter, and Facebook at the Same Time?
a.k.a. Why are the social networks so anti-social towards each other? a.k.a. Yet another diatribe on the dichotomy of Google. We’ve all been in this situation: we’ve got a bunch of friends on Facebook; another bunch on Twitter, and a couple on Google+ (but if you’ve still got friends using MySpace, Orkut, or AOL I’m afraid I can’t help you). Now how do you share your words…
What’s the Best Android Camera App
One of the things I like to do most with my smart phone is take pictures. I’ve been through more than my share of camera apps, and probably purchased more than I needed to, if you actually own analog camera, consider taking a look to this guide about how can you start converting photos to…
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE Review
This review was made possible with the generous support of Pop Radiator! This weekend I had the opportunity to play with a Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 with LTE. It’s a great Android Honeycomb tablet with connectivity every where you go thanks to the LTE radio. I only had the tablet for the weekend, and quite…
Happy Holidays from The Dads
Those in the know understand the draw of the East End of Long Island. The Hamptons, sitting on the South Fork of the island, are a group of hamlets, villages and towns lying along the Atlantic Ocean. The area is a perpetual playground for the rich and famous, and for city dwellers who appreciate a…
Prepping for The John Siracusa OS X Lion Review
A huge nod to Stephen at Forkbombr for the find. New OS X release reviews from John Siracusa at Ars Technica are always fantastic although very long read. I think the Snow Leopard review took a few days to get through and at least a few weeks to digest properly. Forkbombr — Preparing for John…
BGR on the MacBook Air
Apple MacBook Air review | BGR: “Soon, all laptops will not require moving parts, they will also offer almost instant boot times, run cool, run fast, and they’ll be thin. Because thin is in.” It’s hard not to drink the Kool-Aid when they mix in a 40 oz of Vodka. The review is good, but…