Tag: palm

  • Michael Geist on RIM’s Woes and The Canadian Telecom Policy

    This is an excellent piece from one of Canada’s premier columnist on technology law issues and law professor at the University of Ottawa. this particular article takes up the argument that the Canadian Government should step in to assist RIM in order to avoid another “Nortel” disaster. We have already spoken up about this aid…

  • Is it Too Little, Too Late for hp Palm?

    Five future Palm devices pop up in webOS 2.0 code? | BGR: “Well, the folks over at WebOS Internals have been pouring through SFR’s webOS 2.0 code and have stumbled upon five device code-names: Stingray, Mantaray, Broadway, Windsor and Roadrunner (Palm Pre 2). “ I often wonder if the ship has sailed for Palm WebOS.…

  • Three Weeks With an Android: Part ONE

    Just before Christmas, I was given the chance to test out the brand new Samsung Galaxy on Bell’s brand spanking new HSPA+ network. This was a really cool demo opportunity too.  Basically it went like this:  No Strings Attached, I get a Galaxy for my personal use, unlimited local minutes, unlimited SMS and most important…

  • DadCast 2: McGoo’s Jesus Phone

    Our very own Steven McGurn finally gets his Apple iPhone 3GS on the Rogers networks and gives us his brief review as the rest us, once again lament our BlackBerries. In This Episode: The Jesus Phone The Accelerometer Show Down AZERTY/QWERTY revisted The Fate of the Palm PRE is in Bell’s hands Don’t forget to…