Tag: Net
Ninth Level of Programmers
Recently a tweet by Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) caught my eye. It was titled 8 Levels of Programmers, and describes the different kind of developers out there. I got to thinking, and I think he missed one: Painted In a Corner Developer. Its been my experience that more coders are in that category that would like…
This All New GREEN iMac is 100% Recyclable
OK so it’s just a prototype… But in all honesty my daughter’s sense of imagination and ability to create some amazing stuff is mind boggling. The remote to Squawkers MacGraw doubles as a multi-button mouse and is apparently Bluetooth as well as solar powered… And all this got me thinking about GREEN computing and the…
CRTC Rules Bell Can Still SUCK!
It’s officially time to say: “The HELL with BELL!” And the CRTC can now become just one more corrupt government agency that is completely out of touch with the industry it is set to oversee and protect. Bell Canada Inc. is not breaking any laws by slowing Internet speeds and will be allowed to continue…
Bell Canada Sells Video Online As ISP Throttling Continues
Ars Technica has a brilliant article about how absurd the Net Neutrality issue has become in Canada. I am now officially ashamed to be a content producing Web Professional in a country where official government regulators take it up the backside for big companies and make sure the consumer gets the shaft. Launching a video…
The CBC weighs in on Net Neutrality: ISP’s still Suck!
Bell and other Canadian ISP seem to have hit some type of nerve in The Great White North that is usually reserved to bad Hockey fights, bashing Celine Dion and corporate America messing with sacred Tim Horton’s pastries. So I was watching last night’s big game between the Habs and the Sens and scouring Twitter…
Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses!
Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet shaping it’s network traffic to curb the effect of peer to peer file sharing and Bit Torrent protocols. Which is just ridiculous and down right wrong. ISP’s have to stop acting like Cyber police officers…