Read more Editorial Ditching The Laptop April 25, 2012 1771 views Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of good stories of various users ditching their laptops for most of their day-to-day…
Read more EditorialTech On Education, Apples and Teachers January 20, 2012 1745 views Apple has recently announced that they are going to make a play to bring textbooks to the iPad and attempt…
ReviewsTech Google Announces Cr-48 Chrome’s First Lappie December 8, 2010 1578 views Google have finally unveiled their Chrome OS laptop which will be available in the new year and still won’t wrong…
Stuff BGR on the MacBook Air November 1, 2010 1119 views Apple MacBook Air review | BGR: “Soon, all laptops will not require moving parts, they will also offer almost instant…
EditorialReviews Using A MacBook Pro As Your Full-Time Work Computer May 4, 2010 2037 views About four years ago, I decided I had enough of being the family tech support guy and through in my…
TechTECHnically New Revolutionary UK Folding Plug: GENIUS! November 12, 2009 1042 views Sure they drive on the wrong side of the road, drink warm beer and have designed their electrical system to…
ScienceTech This All New GREEN iMac is 100% Recyclable March 11, 2009 1540 views OK so it’s just a prototype… But in all honesty my daughter’s sense of imagination and ability to create some…
FunnyTech Must Have New MacBook January 7, 2009 974 views Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard [ad name=”2fatdads_post”] Thanks to Schultzter for send it in.