Tag: Keynote
iWorks Apps for iOS updated for better Office Doc Handling
It looks like the Apple crew have been hard at work getting the iWorks apps (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) to play better with Microsoft Office documents. Among the key changes: use of change tracking accept and reject changes imports Word docs with change tracking enable preserve tracked changes in docs exported to Word preserve calculations…
2FatDads Bingo Card • Apple Back To The Mac
Just ahead of today’s Apple Back To The Mac announcement, we thought we would put together a Bingo Card for you all to follow along with on the rumours that have been circulating in the past week. This idea was initially adapted from https://bingobuddha.com because it brought the vibe like bingo, while rumors had to…
The 60 Second Keynote!
I love Mahalo for this kind of stuff. This truly is the only way to watch his Steveness with out being affect by the Reality Distortion Field. I must admit that into the 58th second, I could start to feel it. So far my favourite review is from Scott Davis, who was force fed the…
Getting Ready for the Big SteveNote 2008
I will be spending my lunch hour, following this year’s Macworld KeyNote by Steve Jobs (SteveNote) on Engadget, TUAW and possible Cali Lewi’s GeekBreif coverage as well. Hoping for a sub compact notebook, a MacMini/AppleTV Hybrid and an iPod Touch update. Oh and a Beatles Yellow Submarine iPod! UPDATE The GeekBrief Stream is not working…