Dadcast DadCast One : Follow The Mononque June 18, 2009 1726 views Our inaugural 2FatDads podcast is now available for download. This week Francois Fortier, Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn and Stephane Denault…
EditorialReviews You Look Nice Today Mr Gruber! June 16, 2009 1008 views For anyone who is wondering, this is John Gruber. John is the author behind Daring Fireball, a blog that I…
BlogDadcast DadCast Pre-BETA 0.2 – Level This! June 11, 2009 1281 views Our second pre-BETA DadCast is now available for download below. This week Francois, Eric and Steph discuss getting an iPhone…
ReviewsTech The Dadcast Goes into Pre Beta June 9, 2009 1129 views We recently started toying with the idea of putting together a DadCast, a 2FatDads podcast, so I dusted off the…