DadCast Pre-BETA 0.2 – Level This!

Our second pre-BETA DadCast is now available for download below. This week Francois, Eric and Steph discuss getting an iPhone on the Canadian carriers, Smartphone short commings, and ramble on about random the geekery.

DadCast BETA02 – Level This!

We hope you enjoy it and appreciate all the comments and feedback as we stumble our way towards a Release Candidate.

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2 responses to “DadCast Pre-BETA 0.2 – Level This!”

  1. Morgan_6strings

    Very nice first try guys!
    Just continue that way!

  2. I love that Stéphane guy, he’s awesome. The Eric guy is good too. The moderator is the right person for this blog. Kuddos to you all.