Tag: connection
World of Warcraft – Authentication Frustration and now relief
I have been playing World of Warcraft for over 5 years thanks to a great friend of mine living out West (Obe). I can honestly say that I am not an addict nor am I constantly plugged in as some gamers are. I am a leisure player, playing when I have spare time, not making…
Bell is now crippling GPS on BlackBerry
This is a story that is making it way around the tech crowd a lot this but has not gotten a lot and lot of media attention elsewhere yet. The Boy Genius Report Blog reports that: Over the next few weeks, Bell may be increasing the GPS lock time (2-10 minutes) and resolution (1-2.5KM) of…
Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses!
Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet shaping it’s network traffic to curb the effect of peer to peer file sharing and Bit Torrent protocols. Which is just ridiculous and down right wrong. ISP’s have to stop acting like Cyber police officers…