DadCast Episode 43 • FourSquat And Seven Months Ago

Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay…

Back from a seven month hiaitus the Dads are back and in full form. FourSquatters beware, the Canuck is on a rampage, while Eric tries to defend Google’s recent prviacy policies and Steve & Francois explain GPS how your privacy is at risk with on device GPS apps while still glowing from by being followed by Erica Ehm.

  1. Erica Ehm
  2. FourSquat
  3. Google Privacy
  4. GPS Tacking
  5. Apple buys Chomp

We’d like to thank our sponsors this year, two awesome Canadian outfits: SplitReason T-Shirts, Hat and hoodies and, electronics and gadget recyclers.

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