Category: Trick Shot
Technology | Don’t be lonely at Christmas time
Excellent round up of new social networking site that have made some headway this year. I especially like Freecycle and RealBuzz
Shopping Bikes
This pictures is making it’s way around the web a lot today, but does anybody else remember their Grandmothers having their groceries delivered but a snot-nosed zit-faced kid in an Expos’ hat and fingerless gloves int he middle of winter on one of these:
Keyboard Cleaning 101
In a previous life as an IT Manager I used to stick PS2 keyboards into the dishwasher (without soap) after taping up the connection. Most of the time, it would be OK. But I love what Veronica Belmont does to this poor old white Apple keyboard on Mahalo Daily.
Happy Bleue Beanie Day
About Blue Beanie Day 2007 Photos of people wearing blue beanies, or blue hats, but mostly blue beanies. Show your support for web standards and accessibility. Please join us on Monday, November 26, 2007 in celebrating Blue Beanie Day. — Monday, November 26, 2007 is the day thousands of Standardistas (people who support web standards)…
Happy Turkey Day
Just something to get you Yanks ready for tomorrow from Mahalo Daily: Tired of the same old Thanksgiving traditions? Heat things up a bit this year with a 30-quart pot of boiling oil! Deep frying your turkey is a delicious alternative to the usual oven method, but make sure you don’t accidentally deep fry your…
WiFi Booster Antennas and Signal Improvement tips
If you don’t get the internet speeds you pay for, your wireless internet router signal is probably the reason. Although many factors affect internet speeds, your Wi-Fi signal can make or break your home internet experience. When Facebook won’t load upstairs due to slow internet, it may be time to make your Wi-Fi signal stronger at…
Awesome use of Yahoo Pipes on Google Homepage
This is great stuff from Wil Harris of Channel Flip, a new online tech network, from Oxford in the UK. I’ve been toying around with pipes for a little while now but never really found a great use for it until I saw this video from Wil on Unwired. BTW Wil, I love that pink…
BTW Using Mac OS X 10.5 Now & Lovin Leo
Upgraded to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard on Friday and been using it all weekend… WOW!. I know that does seem like a very long time for a test drive but for a Geek who had a very busy weekend sorting out friends WiFi networks, migrating them to newer machines and troubleshooting various Windows nasties…
2Fat Dads says ThinkGeek
As proud owners of many Geek Tees, we are proud to announce our partnership with ThinkGeek for Tees and all of you USB Nerf Missile Firing needs. So next time your in the market for a red Swingline stapler, my personal favourite: the RTFM t-shirt or even some laser guided missile launchers to protect your…