Awesome use of Yahoo Pipes on Google Homepage

This is great stuff from Wil Harris of Channel Flip, a new online tech network, from Oxford in the UK. I’ve been toying around with pipes for a little while now but never really found a great use for it until I saw this video from Wil on Unwired.

BTW Wil, I love that pink cuppa char.


3 responses to “Awesome use of Yahoo Pipes on Google Homepage”

  1. Anonymous

    Hey dude! Glad you like the video – make sure you subscribe to Unwired to get the latest eps!

    Stay tuned for more cool tutorials 😉


  2. Johnny Canuck

    Cheers Wil.

    All three show are in my iTunes. Can’t really use X-Torrent at work.

  3. Heh, he looks like you too !
