Read more Editorial CRTC announces Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services October 16, 2012 3849 views The CRTC has just announced a Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services. In theory this is…
Read more Editorial Competition best for wireless industry? Maybe not March 29, 2012 1865 views So apparently the finally tally is we need competition, but not too much. Unfortunately Canada doesn’t have enough, we’re at…
Dadcast DadCast Episode 31 • Old Detroit Needs a New Lawyer November 19, 2010 1440 views Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studio of Valois Bay… On this weeks show we shout out to the Cupcake Camp…
Blog Where has the workmanship gone? March 18, 2009 1353 views So I’m minding my business, reading through, when I stumble upon a post by Johnny Canuck detailing his awesome…