Tag: USB

  • DIY USB cable repair ; challenge accepted.

    I will follow up to edno’s hardware laden post (nice one, BTW) with my own brand of DIY tutorial happiness. NOTA : This is a simple tutorial and by no means THE definitive soldering How-To.  I’m not an expert but the job I did with the oscillating tool, as related here, worked as it was…

  • Drobo Unboxing – Health Benefits of Vaping that You Need to Know

    Ever since the vape has hit the market, there has been a lot of debate around it. You might hear your friends and family giving their various opinions about it. Unfortunately, most of these opinions are just rumors and don’t have any evidence supported by proper research. It is your choice what you want to…

  • Storage is Cheap

    I’ve been wrestling with our home backup strategy for over a year now. A little background: We made the switch from PC to Mac in February 2008. Since then I have shed away my previous strategy of using SyncToy with an external USB hard drive, combined with a slew of 16GB thumb drives held at…

  • Backups, redux

    Following on my trials and tribulations of getting backup routine going for my NAS, I’m pleased to announce I’m more-or-less there!

  • PC to Mac Switching Pains (Part 2)

    So now that my iTunes and iPhoto setup is done (sort of), I moved my attention to trying to create the first of hopefully many family movies that will inevitably embarrass the kids (hopefully they’ll still pick a suitable retirement home for their mom & dad!). The importing of existing videos from the external hard…