ReviewsTech Rolling Your Own ShortURL Service January 13, 2010 2634 views Today we are announcing the ShortURL service, this is the first product or service that 2FatDads has ever launched.…
ReviewsTech Google Maps Mobile NOW with Street View for the BlackBerry September 17, 2008 1194 views So I’ve been playing with the new Google Maps Mobile v 2.3.1 for the BlackBerry for a few hours now…
ReviewsTech Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses! March 26, 2008 4005 views Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet…
ReviewsTech BlackBerry’s Dark Little GPS Secret January 25, 2008 1120 views You _don’t_ need TeleNav! What you say? BlackBerry holding out their beloved _crackberry_ loyalists? Well yes, in the case of…
Reviews Montreal Winter Traffic this Week December 19, 2007 814 views This is what the entire island is like this week.