BlogEditorial Maybe now we can actually sync a Blackberry with a Mac? July 20, 2009 1096 views February 12 2009: MacBook Pro 15” ordered. February 20, 2009: Proud owners of our first MacBook ! Now the integration starts.…
ReviewsTech Google Reader Shared Notes: For Only The Laziest of Bloggers June 3, 2008 1158 views Anyone know how to get my Google Reader Shared Notes to feed directly into my blog as new posts? Yes…
ReviewsTech BlackBerry’s Dark Little GPS Secret January 25, 2008 1160 views You _don’t_ need TeleNav! What you say? BlackBerry holding out their beloved _crackberry_ loyalists? Well yes, in the case of…
ReviewsTech Why My New BlackBerry Pearl 2 Deletes Txt Msg (SMS) January 11, 2008 1980 views It’s not a conspiracy plot against other forms of non-email communications and for once it’s not even Bell Mobility’s fault.…