Tag: Google
Google Goggles To Iphone By Year’s End (via Boy Genius Report)
Yahoo! News: Google Goggles to iPhone by year’s end « Boy Genius Report: “Speaking at the Hot Chips conference at Stanford University, Goggles’ project lead David Petrou noted that the application would come to the iPhone before the end of 2010.” I’m actually really looking forward to this because right now augmented reality on the…
Apple Starts Using it’s Own Location Data – See Ya GOOG
Apple defines gravitas, owns location data on iOS (so long Google) | 9 to 5 Mac: “To provide the high quality products and services that its customers demand, Apple must have access to comprehensive location-based information. For devices running iPhone OS versions 1.1.3 to 3.1, Apple relied on (and still relies on) databases maintained by…
Hand over your wallets! I’ve got an iPhone and you’re gonna buy it!!!
So Apple has generously reminded us that the latest saviour of our high-tech (un-American) soul goes on sale this Friday (our southern brethren were saved earlier in the year). And the usual tipsters have done a wonderful job digging up the non-deal-with-the-devil (or unlocked) prices. Thanks to the CBC we know that the 16 GB…
Google takes the FTC to school « BuzzMachine
Google takes the FTC to school « BuzzMachine: “The large profit margins newspapers enjoyed in the past were built on an artificial scarcity: Limited choice for advertisers as well as readers. With the Internet, that scarcity has been taken away and replaced by abundance. No policy proposal will be able to restore newspaper revenues to…
DadCast Episode 11 – Short Track, High Speed… Long Podcast
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… The Dads have now discovered that Schultzter has been living in the second floor Kitchen and Bathroom showrooms of Home Depot rather than finishing his home renovations. This week they talk a little more about Google Buzz, Crossing the Social Streams and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.…
Life with Google Buzz: Week Two
DBYU9RPXY7MG After a week of living in Google Buzz and reading all of the variant reactions from the Twiteratti and the established voices in the social media sphere good and bad. I finally pulled the plug on the noise. The amount of hacking I had to perform in order to get my Google Profile and…
BlackBerry Release OS 5.0 for the Storm on Bell
Just as I was putting my finishing touches on my already overdue Samsung Galaxy review, a little bird told me that Bell and BlackBerry had quietly released the long-awaited OS 5.0 for the BlackBerry Storm 9530. Now other devices also got the 5.0 nod, but since I use a Storm daily for work, this is…
MMOGCG: Foursquare vs Gowalla
There is a new MMOGCG in town, and you play with your GPS enabled smartphone. What’s a MMOGCG you ask? Doesn’t everyone know about Massively Multiplayer Online Geo-Caching Games? I guess not, well let me explain then.
Three Weeks With an Android: Part ONE
Just before Christmas, I was given the chance to test out the brand new Samsung Galaxy on Bell’s brand spanking new HSPA+ network. This was a really cool demo opportunity too. Basically it went like this: No Strings Attached, I get a Galaxy for my personal use, unlimited local minutes, unlimited SMS and most important…