CRTC announces Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services
The CRTC has just announced a Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services. In theory this is a great move. In reality this is lip-service to a disillusioned and misguided public. The reality is that his will not lead to any meaningful change in Canada’s wireless landscape, because: The telcos will voluntarily…
Michael Geist on RIM’s Woes and The Canadian Telecom Policy
This is an excellent piece from one of Canada’s premier columnist on technology law issues and law professor at the University of Ottawa. this particular article takes up the argument that the Canadian Government should step in to assist RIM in order to avoid another “Nortel” disaster. We have already spoken up about this aid…
Canada avoids broadband duopolies, keeps line-sharing alive
Canada avoids broadband duopolies, keeps line-sharing alive: “‘Requiring these companies to provide access to their networks will lead to more opportunities for competition in retail Internet services and better serve consumers,’ declared the CRTC’s Chair Konrad von Finckenstein” Although the last couple of CRTC rulings have been quite good for the little guys and the…
CRTC Launches Online Consultation on Net Neutrality
As I discovered onMichael Geist’s blog, the CRTC is ofering Canadians the opportunity speak out on Net Neutrality in advance of their hearings on ISP network management practices. I had this to say, in the Impact on User Experience section:
CRTC Rules Bell Can Still SUCK!
It’s officially time to say: “The HELL with BELL!” And the CRTC can now become just one more corrupt government agency that is completely out of touch with the industry it is set to oversee and protect. Bell Canada Inc. is not breaking any laws by slowing Internet speeds and will be allowed to continue…
CRTC Set to Rule on How Much Bell is Allowed to SUCK!
Tomorrow, the CTRC will be ruling on whether or not Bell’s contronversial and a little bit e immoral practice of throttling it’s core customer and resellers, a group of more than 50 small companies represented by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers. I blogged about this a few months back, the CRTC rejected a call…
The CBC weighs in on Net Neutrality: ISP’s still Suck!
Bell and other Canadian ISP seem to have hit some type of nerve in The Great White North that is usually reserved to bad Hockey fights, bashing Celine Dion and corporate America messing with sacred Tim Horton’s pastries. So I was watching last night’s big game between the Habs and the Sens and scouring Twitter…
Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses!
Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet shaping it’s network traffic to curb the effect of peer to peer file sharing and Bit Torrent protocols. Which is just ridiculous and down right wrong. ISP’s have to stop acting like Cyber police officers…