Tag: car

  • Should his Steveness Run the Big 3?

    There is growing talk on the interwebs and amongst certain circles that Steve Job, Apple CEO, should be running one of , if not all of, the Big 3 American automobile makers.  At first thought, this could make a lot of sense: take the America’s hottest CEO with an impeccable track record would make a…

  • Zero Emission Air Car

    I saw this idea for the zero emission air car and thought it sounded pretty cool except for the fact that it still requires energy to compress the air that push the pistons to provide drive. I was a little more skeptical when they start talking about how the engine that drives the car could…

  • BlackBerry’s Dark Little GPS Secret

    You _don’t_ need TeleNav! What you say? BlackBerry holding out their beloved _crackberry_ loyalists? Well yes, in the case of their GPS services they have completely undersold their own apps in order to sell you something you probably don’t even need. I had never really used BlackBerry Maps on the my previous BB 7250 and…