Tag: c#
Happy 1st Birthday Go!
Google’s revolutionary new programming language Go has just hit a major milestone: version 1.0!!! I know the computer science world doesn’t really need another programming language. We’ve already got so many to choose from it’s hard to find two programmers with overlapping skills. The only language that has really stood the test of time is…
My weekly Dad’s reads, March 5th to 11th 2012
My favourite articles of the week: Raspberry Pi (momentarily) more popular than Lady Gaga… Amid ETF hoopla, don’t overlook index funds Buried deep in this article is the the little tidbit that a few online brokers, Scotia iTrade, Qtrade and Virtual Brokers, offer commission-free ETF’s (not all, but some) Can Dell Slay the Leviathan With…
Ninth Level of Programmers
Recently a tweet by Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) caught my eye. It was titled 8 Levels of Programmers, and describes the different kind of developers out there. I got to thinking, and I think he missed one: Painted In a Corner Developer. Its been my experience that more coders are in that category that would like…