Tag: adobe
BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX
I just posted the following comment on the Blackberry’s Developer’s Blog article BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX. Seriously?! Your choices should be 1) Java, 2) C/C++, or 3) both. Anything else might sound like a good idea in the meeting room but good friggin’ luck in the real world! Check out Tiobe’s stats…
Apple To Stop Including Adobe Flash In All MacBooks
Apple responds on missing Flash in new MacBook Airs, says get used to it — Engadget: “We’re happy to continue to support Flash on the Mac, and the best way for users to always have the most up to date and secure version is to download it directly from Adobe.” We mentioned this in Episode…
Apple vs Adobe: When Your Favourite Aunt & Uncle Get Divorced
So this morning Adobe has launched a campaign to try to and reach out to the pro Apple crowd and the web community in general. They even tried to play the open market versus open standard card by making a plea to our creative sides. We believe that consumers should be able to freely access…