In just over a year – on November 1st, 2013 – Google will pull the plug on another service. This time it won’t be some obscure 20% project that only handful of people ever heard about, let alone used. This time it will be iGoogle!
iGoogle is the start page for a lot of internet browsers around the globe. It’s the place where many of us go first thing in the morning to see our new e-mails, our agenda, read the news, and access our Google Drive.
Google seems to think the web has evolved to the point where iGoogle is no longer necessary. And they suggest that mobile apps and Chrome extensions will fill the void. Which I can believe on my phone – I’ve never used the mobile iGoogle homepage on my smartphone. But for my desktop and laptop I have not yet found a Chrome app that satisfactorily replaces iGoogle. And ofcourse you can’t take a Chrome Extension with you when you log in from another computer, or even a different browser.
There are a couple other alternatives too: NetVibes and Protopage. We’ll see if Google changes their mind if the drive to either of these two dashboards heats-up.
NetVibes is the more mature and feature rich platform, while Protopage still has some work to do to smooth things out and fill in the gaps.
Both are based on the idea of feed reading; and NetVibes has a beautiful reader mode that is worth it to make the switch from Google Reader. There are a few quirks to get used to:
- you can’t easily share, e-mail, or mark an item while viewing the full item – you have to check the item and then access the action menu at the top left – but you there are quick-access icons for this in both compressed header and tiled mosaic views;
- share options are limited to Facebook and Twitter, whereas Google Reader offered many more options and the ability to define your own; and
- there’s no starring or tagging, which admitted was of limited usefulness in Google Reader since it became subservient to Google+ but it would be nice if NetVibes offered it.
Hopefully NetVibes will get ambitious and challenge not just iGoogle but Google Reader too – the defacto king of feed reading.
Protopage only displays feeds in boxes as separate widgets, but it is possible to combine several feeds into one widget so you can compress it somewhat. But you can’t streamline it into one continuous feed.
The other thing a dashboard needs is active widgets. Not just the weather or the quote of the day; but e-mail, calendar, twitter and more. Widgets that you can interact with and manipulate the contents of.
In this case NetVibes definitely has the lead over Protopage with a well documented API and easy to use widget showcase. Unfortunately since NetVibes (or Protopage) isn’t hosting any of this data (unlike iGoogle that was hosted by the same people who host your GMail, GCalendar, GTasks, etc.) you need to authorize the dashboard widget to access that data. The essential NetVibes widgets seem to have this ability but the third-party widgets don’t – it’s not part of the API! So you can view your Google Calendar if you make it public but you can’t update it.
Hopefully we’ll see NetVibes and Protopage improve their API’s and either internally or with the help of independent third-party developers build widgets that let us re-create our iGoogle dashboard without having to abandon all the other stuff we have with Google – at least until they discontinue it too!
Cross-posted on Schultzter’s Blog
6 responses to “What will replace iGoogle?”
I wrote a recent post arguing that users should take the shutdown as a blessing in disguise. I tell people to try Flipboard, Pulse or even my startup :). After reading your other posts and blogs, looks like you’ve tried Flipboard too. I understand it doesn’t get into the non-news and social stuff that you liked about iGoogle and that’s exactly what we’re trying to solve at Skim.Me. However, we’re not designing it to be a widget based dashboard but we do think it’s important to have calendar and other online activity functionality. We’re also managing a Done/To-Do list for browsing for you which you might find interesting after seeing your NOT getting things done post :).Our gaol is to make browsing more productive.
Here’s the post if anyone’s interested: was designed to be a very close replacement for iGoogle, with the same look and feel, features, and many of the same or similar gadgets.
ighome and startme both are good! Give them a try…
Thanks a lot share with me great information. If here is any iGoogle user they can chose their best iGoogle alternatives. Saw the website and get the lot of information regarding best iGoogle alternatives.
I’ve been using for few months and I found it more interesting and useful than all other iGoogle alternatives. Its simple home page allows you to bookmark your favourite websites and links in separate folders which makes it very neat and clean. Besides, you have control on some of your social networks, like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as Yahoo weather. You can also get the latest news you are interested in delivered right to you, by its RSS reader. The latest update for Portalpanel brings Google Bookmarks import feature, so one can easily import his old bookmarks into PortalPanel.
It works safely (HTTPS) and perfectly in different browsers and I would suggest to make it your homepage and enjoy its simplicity.
PS I actually quite liked their slogan: “One Page to Rule Them All”. It seems to be very true.
I highly recommend It has really neat and professional design and functionality.