It is done. Adieu, Quicksilver. | kung fu grippe:
It is done. Adieu, Quicksilver.
It was a good run.
So long, old friend.
I love LaunchBar—but she’ll never be another you.”
Merlin Mann of 43Folders and my personal fave, Kung Fu Grippe, is finally calling it quits on Quicksilver. I’m not sure if I’m ready to hit CMD-Q just yet, but I have to admit that since the folder actions stopped working in Snow Leopard life with Quicksilver just has not been the same. It still has not been a huge productivity hit but Merlin’s move Launchbar has made me think that I had better start planning something for when Lion hits.
Looks like I’ll have to be looking out for another MacBreak Video on Launchbar or another Quicksilver alternative to see what magic commands that Merlin could come up with.