I heard about this over at Mobile Syrup: Coming Soon… RBC® Mobile Banking Apps for iPhone® and BlackBerry® Smartphones – RBC Royal Bank
I’m an RBC customer with multiple products but I have neither an iPhone nor a Blackberry (nor an Android or any other smartphone). I do have a simple phone with a good web browser that can access RBC’s mobile banking web site. Just like any iPhone, Blackberry, Android, etc. phone can!!! I’d rather see RBC improving the functionality of the mobile banking web site rather than wasting my fees to build and maintain smartphone applications I’ll never use!
Seriously, just because it’s cool doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!
Even if I did get a smartphone it wouldn’t be an iPhone or Blackberry. So how many apps is RBC going to build and maintain? How many customers is RBC going to frustrate by not providing them an app or not updating their app as frequently as the other platform’s app!?
Please, they should stick with the mobile banking web site, work on it, and everyone will benefit.
Cross-posted on Schultzter’s blog at Coming Soon… RBC® Mobile Banking Apps for iPhone® and BlackBerry® Smartphones – RBC Royal Bank
3 responses to “Coming Soon… RBC® Mobile Banking Apps for iPhone® and BlackBerry® Smartphones – RBC Royal Bank”
Eric the writing has been on the wall for over 4 iPhone generations. In fact it dates back to when you had a BlackBerry! Mobile computing is the future. Keep your Xenon dumb phone if you like but if you want to use robust apps with real feature sets then get and Galaxy Tab with whisper net, an iPad or a REAL COMPUTER. It makes no sens to throw am expensive legacy developer at a dying platform. Apps and regular HTML5 pages are it, and I’d your phone can’t do either then it’s time to move on.
Also good luck on thinking that RBC actually cares about your investments, unless you are a big corp or can but your own island, the guys really don’t give a damn about your portfolio and you service fees are not cutting cheques for developer time either.
Anyone else think of commenting on this flame bait: BEWARE!
I T ‘ S A T R A P!!!
Please come back next week when Eric ponders why ADSI hasn’t made the come back he predicted, vents about having to pay for touch tone service and discovers a set top box is not what anchors your rabbit ears.
Yes Eric, I know the Google TV logo has antennas but … no.
Please let me know when a ‘smartphone’ is actually smart. I’ve never seen one. They are ‘multitask’ capable but smart they aint.