BlogTech CRTC Launches Online Consultation on Net Neutrality March 31, 2009 1280 views As I discovered onMichael Geist's blog, the CRTC is ofering Canadians the opportunity speak out on Net Neutrality in advance…
ReviewsTech Firefox Renders Like Crap March 31, 2009 1162 views The proof is in the pudding… The middle image was rendered by Firefox 3 on Windows XP and it looks…
BlogEditorial You Dirty Remote Access Tool. March 31, 2009 1110 views Someone, in the PRoC, has apparently manage to shanghai thousands of computers connected to the InterTubes and use them as…
BlogScience Road to OTA Digital TV – Step ONE March 30, 2009 1628 views A while back, YULBlogger, Laurent Lasalle posted an excellent heads up guide to getting Digital and HDTV Over The Air.…
BlogTech PC to Mac Switching Pains (Part 1) March 29, 2009 1495 views So we made the leap. Our HP Pavilion A1211N, which admittedly was bought off the shelf because it was at…
BlogTech GMail cheat sheet is now on March 29, 2009 1327 views Inspired by the vi/vim graphical cheat sheet I wrote a GMail Keyboard Shortcut graphical cheat sheet for Google's GMail (using…
ReviewsTech You NEED a dSLR to Take Great Shots! March 20, 2009 1838 views Photo taken by the Burg and permission has been granted to use this shot under Creative Commons. It’s funny but…
Tech Google moves towards evil?! March 20, 2009 1690 views Has any one else noticed how the favicons of our two favourite adversaries look quite similar?!
EditorialThe Economy Bonuses for AIG March 20, 2009 1254 views Rex Murphy did a bit on AIG last night after the news. I can't find it online though - I…
Blog Where has the workmanship gone? March 18, 2009 1300 views So I’m minding my business, reading through, when I stumble upon a post by Johnny Canuck detailing his awesome…