FunnyTECHnically Mahalo Daily: The Oscars in 60 Seconds February 25, 2008 866 views Another great 60 Seconds video from Veronica Belmont @ Mahalo Daily!
FunnyReviews Free Google WiFi Through your Toilet? February 25, 2008 968 views Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless…
FunnyTech Any Random Evening at the Fat Dad Household February 21, 2008 922 views I have on more than one occasion used this excuse when the missus calls me up to bed. Hadn’t posted…
ReviewsTech Unicat RV: Now this is a Land Yacht! February 7, 2008 1002 views My parents spend their winters driving around the south in a 34 foot RV with an expendable kitchen and living.…
ReviewsTech Twitter and the SuperBowl Effect February 6, 2008 841 views I have to admit even I found this a little shocking and very cool. [via Daring Fireball]
ReviewsTech Social Networking Bankruptcy? February 4, 2008 1118 views A good friend and fellow techie, Steve McGurn, has done the unthinkable and declared amnesty on his social networking profiles.…