This is the new Palm Centro. It’s basically a $ 100 dollar Treo. I’ll have one in black thank you. It’s Already with Sprint and their are CDMA so there is a very strong chance that Bell or Telus will also get it up here in The Great White North soon enough.
Do you know How To Save A Water-Damaged iPhone? if the answer is no, well let me tell you that is possible to fix it, however, you need to look for a reliable mobile repair company.
What’s so good about it, nothing much better than the current Treo: Ev-DO 1xCDMA network, 1.3 megapixel camera, MicoSD slot now up to 4 Gb. It’s still Palm OS 5, it still has a 320 x 320 screen, OH and it’s about half the size of the Treo 700p and 680: 4.22″ (L) x 2.11″ (W) x 0.73″ (D); 4.2 oz.
Software loaded on the device: Bluetooth®, Calculator, Camcorder, Camera, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Memos, Documents to Go® Professional Edition 10, Downloads, Google Mobile Maps, HotSync®, Instant Messaging, Nuance Voice Control, My Centro, On Demand, Phone, Pics and Video, PocketTunes™ Deluxe, Quick Tour, Sprint Mobile Email, Sprint Store, Sprint TV, Sudoku, VersaMail® 4.0, Voice Memo, Web (Blazer® 4.5), World Clock
An Extreme Solution
If you really want to set yourself up to roam then one solution would be to simply get a data-only (or tablet) plan and use a VoIP service (like Fongo, or Google Voice if they ever come to Canada – c’mon Google!!!) for calls and messages. When you travel to the States pick-up something like the T-Mobile $3-a-day plan and keep using your VoIP service to make & receive calls to Canada. This way there’s no difference for your friends back home who can always reach you at the same number and convoluted forwarding to avoid missing calls. Bell, Rogers, and Telus all offer flexible data plans so the month you’re travelling (and paying for a US service) you would probably be billed less for your Canadian service. Just be wary of the 30-day expiry on many US offerings.