Category: TECHnically
Happy Turkey Day
Just something to get you Yanks ready for tomorrow from Mahalo Daily: Tired of the same old Thanksgiving traditions? Heat things up a bit this year with a 30-quart pot of boiling oil! Deep frying your turkey is a delicious alternative to the usual oven method, but make sure you don’t accidentally deep fry your…
WiFi Booster Antennas and Signal Improvement tips
If you don’t get the internet speeds you pay for, your wireless internet router signal is probably the reason. Although many factors affect internet speeds, your Wi-Fi signal can make or break your home internet experience. When Facebook won’t load upstairs due to slow internet, it may be time to make your Wi-Fi signal stronger at…
- Rude & Cold yet Polite & Very British!
Only the British can so polite as to basically tell you to bugger off politely because you’re email can’t be handled by an automated reply system and get away with it. I sent an email to the Beeb stating that they really need to get started on making online video available to Linux and Apple…
Awesome use of Yahoo Pipes on Google Homepage
This is great stuff from Wil Harris of Channel Flip, a new online tech network, from Oxford in the UK. I’ve been toying around with pipes for a little while now but never really found a great use for it until I saw this video from Wil on Unwired. BTW Wil, I love that pink…
Airbus A319 Crosswind Landing Montreal-Dorval
Eric Just sent this in: Airbus A319 Crosswind Landing Montreal-Dorval on As you know the Airbus 380 did a test landing and take-off from Montreal today. Here is what an Airbus 319 does here in Montreal with a heavy crosswind. Imagine the A380………..
Airbus A380 Lands at Trudeau Aiport, Monteal
Here are a couple of Flash Video’s from this morning’s arrival of the Airbus A380 at Montreal’s Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport. Robert from work also took some video of the landing, his is from his Motorola Q and surprisingly, I like his video more. The flood gates have opened up and now everyone is sending…
Guinness Genius
Guiness Ad – Tipping Point – ZappInternet Thanks to Eric for another great Guinness video. Not many people know this, but my Grey Squirrel avatar is actually drinking a Guinness, although he has been a little photoshopped. It was taken form a UK & Ireland AD campaign “Dreams Club”.
This Is The Internet as Microsoft Sees It
The Text box reads as such: *Congratulations on getting your Windows Live ID!! Now that you’ve got your Windows Live ID, get ready to experience the new set of services that brings your online world together. Yet the page offers absolutely no outgoing links except to the Terms of Service or to log out. This…