Category: TECHnically
Nike McFly 2015 – Make it Happen
Do you remember the Cool Nike’s that Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) was wearing in the year 2015 in Back to the Future 2? Well I do and along with a hover board, I really want Nike to make these shoes! So go to and sign the petition to get Nike to mass produce…
BlackBerry 8130 Pearl – Hands On
I have had the Ev-DO version of the Pearl for almost two weeks now and I must admit that this is by far the best phone I have ever used. It makes and receives phone calls so well that you almost forget that it does push email (GMail included), takes pictures, surfs the web, plays…
Technology | Don’t be lonely at Christmas time
Excellent round up of new social networking site that have made some headway this year. I especially like Freecycle and RealBuzz
Shopping Bikes
This pictures is making it’s way around the web a lot today, but does anybody else remember their Grandmothers having their groceries delivered but a snot-nosed zit-faced kid in an Expos’ hat and fingerless gloves int he middle of winter on one of these:
Twitter Facts: First state of the Twitosphere in Canada
First state of Twitosphere in Canada I found this article on Twitter this morning thanks to @steverubel otherwise known for his great Top 25 Forbes Blog MicroPersuasion. You can follow all of my angry Habs rants and other thoughts on Twitter: @JohnnyCanuck. What is it? [from the FAQ] Twitter is a community of friends and…
Keyboard Cleaning 101
In a previous life as an IT Manager I used to stick PS2 keyboards into the dishwasher (without soap) after taping up the connection. Most of the time, it would be OK. But I love what Veronica Belmont does to this poor old white Apple keyboard on Mahalo Daily.
The Story Of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a great video and a fantastically well narrated tale of how our consumer needs are unsustainable and are not only putting our way of life at risk but are also irreversibly damaging our fragile little Blue Planet. Annie Leonard presence through out the whole video, chatting away in the bottom…
Slow Week!
Wow, it’s been a pretty slow week literally. Now much happening in the tech news that really stuck for me. However most of the slowness feeling has been from my success rate at troubleshooting tech issues: GMail IMAP Palm Treo: There is still no resolution from either Google or Palm to get IMAP working on…
Happy Bleue Beanie Day
About Blue Beanie Day 2007 Photos of people wearing blue beanies, or blue hats, but mostly blue beanies. Show your support for web standards and accessibility. Please join us on Monday, November 26, 2007 in celebrating Blue Beanie Day. — Monday, November 26, 2007 is the day thousands of Standardistas (people who support web standards)…
BreakOut !
“Break Out” is a Stupid Game. Yet I still remember playing it for 4 hours straight on my Motorola Timeport 250.