Tag: Tweet
Rolling Your Own ShortURL Service
Today we are announcing the 2FatDads.com ShortURL service, this is the first product or service that 2FatDads has ever launched. And it is very much in pre-beta form right now. In fact this post should be the first link to actually use the service itself, and the only people who will have access to it…
The CBC weighs in on Net Neutrality: ISP’s still Suck!
Bell and other Canadian ISP seem to have hit some type of nerve in The Great White North that is usually reserved to bad Hockey fights, bashing Celine Dion and corporate America messing with sacred Tim Horton’s pastries. So I was watching last night’s big game between the Habs and the Sens and scouring Twitter…
Twitter in Plain English…
Anyone who has visited any of my blogs knows that I have quite the penchant for Twitter. It’s community seems more vibrant with thoughts, things overheard, questions and ideas rather than just being somebody’s life aggregator (sorry Jaiku). I have to admit that I have been prone to Twittering Habs hockey games, ski trips and…