Tag: office
The Office Paradigm
Everyone uses Office right? In fact most people think that Office comes standard with Windows or any new PC you might buy. The reality is that the next generation of computing users think that Office only exists on the PC and some might have seen it running on a Mac or a tablet computer. Sugar…
iWorks Apps for iOS updated for better Office Doc Handling
It looks like the Apple crew have been hard at work getting the iWorks apps (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) to play better with Microsoft Office documents. Among the key changes: use of change tracking accept and reject changes imports Word docs with change tracking enable preserve tracked changes in docs exported to Word preserve calculations…
Google Acquires QuickOffice, Initiates Mexican Productivity Standoff
So that’s it. Google now owns Quick Office BlackBerry owns [DataViz: Docs to Go](http://9to5mac.com/2010/09/07/rim-buys-dataviz-for-blackberry-50m/) Apple writes its own: [Pages, Numbers and Keynote](http://www.apple.com/ipad/business/ipad-at-work/#edit) And MS is holding out for Windows 8 tablet for releasing [Office 15 in November](http://techland.time.com/2012/05/24/rumor-microsoft-office-coming-to-ipad-and-android-in-november/) What we have where is a Mexican Productivity Standoff… via [The Verge](http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/5/3065564/google-acquires-quickoffice-productivity-suite-will-integrate-with)
Gruber on MS Office and the iPad
Another long-term strategic angle: does Apple want to lend credence to the notion that Microsoft can write first-class touchscreen tablet apps, when Microsoft is set to ship its own tablet-savvy version of Windows later this year? Heir Gruber makes a very good point here, however after seeing and pioneering iPad adoption in the enterprise first…
Mac Office 2011 Preview
Earlier this week I was able to get my hands on a special preview of Microsoft’s Office 2011 for Mac including the all new for OS X Outlook. I must admit, it’s probably the best effort that the Mac Office team has put together yet. My first impression was that it loads FAST, about ten…