Tag: gadgets

  • Introducing GreatWhiteSahft.com – Finally Some Justice For Canucks

    Introducing GreatWhiteSahft.com – Finally Some Justice For Canucks

    Introducing the GreatWhiteShaft.com: A site dedicated to keeping track of all the cool products and services that simply are not available to Canadians despite North American Free Trade, Commonwealth and just plain old common sense. Top 10 Best Phentermine Alternatives (2023 Update): Legal & Effective Are you tired of trying countless weight loss methods and…

  • FAA Reviewing Policy on Electronic Gadgets

    FAA Reviewing Policy on Electronic Gadgets

    So they’re finally going to considering letting us do what plenty of people already do: get in one last e-mail as the plane accelerates down the runway! How many times have you been getting on to a flight and seen the people around you tapping away on their Blackberry? I was always told they have…

  • DadCast 4: Let’s Get Googly

    Episode 4 Let’s Get Googly Nearly Live form the Wendyhouse Studios… François Fortier is joined by Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn, Ben NotKenobi This week we look into the Google Chrome OS announcement and it’s impact on the everyday user. What will the Google Chrome OS be? http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html Review of the Lifehackers wish list. 6:00 Quick…