EditorialTECHnically Stop, Drop, and Roll — the Kindle is on Fire! October 5, 2011 1453 views So the Kindle Fire has been announced, followed by the iPhone 5 – no wait, the 4S, and we’ve got…
EditorialTECHnically Silky Privacy Concerns September 29, 2011 1284 views What about handling secure (https) connections? We will establish a secure connection from the cloud to the site owner on…
TECHnically Amazon Lights Up Android’s Fork in the Road with Kindle Fire September 28, 2011 915 views What does Amazon have that Motorola, HTC, Samsung, LG, Huawei do not? In a word … everything. That pretty much…
BlogEditorial There’s no App for this. March 9, 2011 1373 views Let’s leave modern tech and all the shiny behind for a minute, to concentrate on a more fundamental level of…