Tag: comics
Booting up Reboots – Men’s Style Is Trending Back From The Classics
Remember the old days when the clothes men wore all looked the same as the clothes other guys were wearing? Some men though, broke those rules. They were actors, musicians or some other celebrities that got away with it. In today’s society men have such a wide variety of choice, that everyone has their own…
Consumerisation and the LiteralNet
This one is just for fun, but it strike a cord in most IT departments. The simple truth is that if you want to bring your own “toys” to work, you have better know how it works and expect to do a little Googling when things go awry. via ReadWriteWeb: Comics, The Real Story Behind…
DadCast Episode 39 • Now With More Mechanical Turk
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay Part two of the show we recorded in the dead of winter, we continue without Eric and review the prospect of Anne Hathaway as the next Catwoman, we review the Green Hornet, and over analyse the Captain America costume and of course we loof forward to…
Black Friday: Stay Home and Watch TV!
Shoebox » Chuck & Beans: Please just stay at home and watch some TV today, you really have no reason to rush down to Crapmart and Big Boxes and witness all that carnege.
DadCast Episode 28 • The Green Lantern of Valois Bay
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… In part two of this week’s show with Pier-Luc Petitclerc we continue our left turn from the show notes and revisit our childhood superheroes on the silver screen, take a closer look at the Montreal Tech Scene and the growing popularity of co-working locations like Station-C,…
The Tech Support Cheat Sheet – XKCD
The Tech Support Cheat Sheet: “I understand that this will now put a lot of Brother-in-Laws out of work.” (Via XKCD.)