Tag: Chrome OS

  • Google Announces Cr-48 Chrome’s First Lappie

    Google have finally unveiled their Chrome OS laptop which will be available in the new year and still won’t wrong run any real apps apart from web apps making it almost useless without a high speed internet connection. While I am obviously more than a little attached to my developer needs and my MacBook Pro…

  • Google Announces Chromium OS as OpenSource

    This latest announcement from Google must have old Schultzter so excited right now. You see his two biggest Geek passions are coming together: OpenSourse OSes and Google is what can only be described as the biggest Nerd Marriage Geeky Offspring ever. I’m sure he would have posted the video himself if he wasn’t chiseling away…

  • DadCast 4: Let’s Get Googly

    Episode 4 Let’s Get Googly Nearly Live form the Wendyhouse Studios… François Fortier is joined by Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn, Ben NotKenobi This week we look into the Google Chrome OS announcement and it’s impact on the everyday user. What will the Google Chrome OS be? http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html Review of the Lifehackers wish list. 6:00 Quick…