Woohoo! I finally got Hangouts 2.0 on my phone!!! Time to activate SMS integration and enjoy the glorious seamless world of messaging.
Or so I thought!
The SMS integration is half-baked! SMS messages should be integrated into the same thread with all the other contact’s messages.
When I reject a call I often reject with a message – a text or SMS message. So when the person responds it’s via SMS, so if I have a Hangout with that person it gets messy, there’s no continuity.
Also, SMS messages used to produce a lock-screen short-cut for quick access but not any more with Hangouts! I know there’s some bearable work-arounds but the experience has definitely been diminished.
And from my PC or tablet I still need to use MightyText to send SMS (to people who don’t use Hangouts). Google should just buy MightText and integrate their functionality into Hangouts (and SMS Backup+ too while they’re at it – those apps provide essential functionality and they deserve more money than they make from their apps).
So basically, there’s fragmentation everywhere!!!
Ugh! Let see what are the other alternatives to the stock messaging app and what they’re like. See what I did there? That’s called foreshadowing! So stay tuned…
Cross-posted on Schultzter’s blog