Dadcast DadCast Episode 11 – Short Track, High Speed… Long Podcast February 18, 2010 2259 views Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… The Dads have now discovered that Schultzter has been living in…
ReviewsTech Life with Google Buzz: Week Two February 16, 2010 1422 views DBYU9RPXY7MG After a week of living in Google Buzz and reading all of the variant reactions from the Twiteratti and…
Dadcast DadCast Episode 10 – Maybe You Left It On Foursquare February 12, 2010 1691 views Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… The Dads have now completely abandonned their search for Schultzter after…
EditorialReviews Google Announces GMail Buzz February 10, 2010 1129 views In this week’s TWiT #243, Kara Swisher of talks about how Google has often missed the mark in their…
ReviewsTech Three Weeks With An Android – Part DEUX February 5, 2010 4737 views One of the perks of being the resident geek, is every once in a while a new smart phones lands…
BlogEditorial No Assembly Required, Battery Included February 3, 2010 1165 views Where did I see that the other day? Oh right, nowhere. Although…. When we bought our MacBook Pro last February…