Tag: Telecom
Telecommunications Decisions
Lifting foreign ownership restrictions and 700 Mhz auction in Canada Another political comprise wrapped in campaign speech, the latest telecom decisions serve only to ensure Canadians continue to suffer the worst mobile service in the modern world! At first glance – and that’s all Harper wants you to do – it looks good: lifting foreign…
DadCast Episode 29 • The Clean Show
Nearly Live From The Wendy House Studios of Valois Bay… This week the Dads return with a Clean tag, but that doesn’t mean they are not pissed about something. Francois finally kicks Bell to the curb, Ben hits out at big Box stores while Steve and Eric get their Geek ON about on-site/off-site back-ups and…
Robbers give the Canadian iPhone Owners the Shaft
Make sure you stop by to sign the petition and let Robbers Telecom know that they can’t keep giving Canadians the shaft!