Dadcast DadCast Episode 26 • The Lion In Waiting October 22, 2010 4614 views Nearly Live from the WendyHouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we have the pleasure of being joined by with…
ReviewsTech How Badly Does Samsung Want To Be Apple? October 19, 2010 1330 views Samsung gets official with Galaxy Tab accessory lineup — Engadget: “The two standouts are undoubtedly the Keyboard Dock and Multimedia…
Dadcast DadCast Episode 23 • The Year of the Tablet October 10, 2010 3720 views Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… With the recent announcement of all the new tablet devices, we…
EditorialTech Lazy Beats Free: Ease Over Piracy October 8, 2010 1258 views Over The Hedge: My good buddy Eric AKA @Schultzter sent me this comic as an @reply on Twitter this morning…
EditorialTech The Fanboys of Downing Street October 4, 2010 1028 views PM David Cameron: ON iPads and Wireless Music: “I’m very proud of the fact that I’ve got an iMac and…
Stuff Fat-Fingered Sumo Wrestlers Given iPads August 25, 2010 1114 views BBC News – Fat-fingered sumo wrestlers given iPads: “Fat-fingered sumo wrestlers, unable to tap the keys on a standard mobile…
Stuff Auntie Beeb Considering the IPad, Old Grey Whistle Test August 4, 2010 1010 views BBC trialling iPad – IT Business – News & Features – “BBC CIO John Linwood revealed the details of…
Stuff Bell to launch $30 6 GB smartphone data plan with tethering & iPad sharing July 28, 2010 903 views Bell Canada to launch $30 6 GB smartphone data plan with tethering and iPad sharing option « Boy Genius Report:…
EditorialTech Getting Ready for WWDC? June 7, 2010 879 views As you probably already know, the WWDC is on today and Apple does NOT broadcast it live. Most of us…
Editorial Dear Steve, Where’s my I5 MacBook Pro? March 22, 2010 1130 views Dear Steve, I have been a pretty loyal FanBoy / Apologist / Web Developer for the past 4 years. In…