Mobile Browser Woes
Via XKCD Funny enough I started my new job today and without knowing what kind of hardware I would be assigned or what the new corporate firewall would allow me to do, I’ve had to rely pretty heavily on Mobile Safari. Even though it’s pretty damn powerful and the screen size of the iPad is…
I Just Need Need Your Address -via XKCD
xkcd: I Don’t Want Directions: “Sadly this happens to us far more often than we would like it. “ Also this should give Steve’s TomTom Go 720 review a new set of legs for another 6 months.
The Tech Support Cheat Sheet – XKCD
The Tech Support Cheat Sheet: “I understand that this will now put a lot of Brother-in-Laws out of work.” (Via XKCD.)
Ringtones: You know the ones that sound like a phone!
As usual XKCD web comics ring true. This one a little close to the heart as well, although I have been caught a few times with a rather offending ring tone. That’s what happens when you’re BlackBerry plays MP3’s.
Any Random Evening at the Fat Dad Household
I have on more than one occasion used this excuse when the missus calls me up to bed. Hadn’t posted any XKCD in a while.