Tag: stevejobs
Getting Ready for WWDC?
As you probably already know, the WWDC is on today and Apple does NOT broadcast it live. Most of us are relying on “liveblogs”. So here is the run down of what we are monitoring. You might want to try these links: Engadget.com TWiT.tv with Leo Laporte and Tom Merritt Andy Ihnatko GDGT.com Ars Technica…
DadCast Episode 14 – The Big Ranting Canuck
The Big Ranting Canuck, Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we announce our new sponsors: Audible and we talk about some great customer service from Pentax, some pretty appalling follow tactics by Tweetphoto, the eminent I5 chipped MacBooks Pros and the Steve Jobs recent flurry of emails. Hopefully we’ll see…
Dear Steve, Where’s my I5 MacBook Pro?
Dear Steve, I have been a pretty loyal FanBoy / Apologist / Web Developer for the past 4 years. In fact, I was one of first Wintel Geeks North of the Border to switch to the new super cool Intel MacBooks. Despite the cooling issues, replacing the logic board a couple of times and the…