Trick ShotVideo Did Justin Long JailBreak his iPhone or was he Kimmel’d August 18, 2010 1337 views After seeing the obvious Cydia logo on Justin Long’s iPhone, I had to snicker that he had actually JailBroken his…
Stuff FaceTime over 3G, Did Apple Simply Forget? August 2, 2010 795 views FaceTime over 3G [Video] via 9 to 5 Mac: “Setup Instructions: 1) Jailbreak your iPhone 4 via 2) Download…
Stuff Single Swipe Unlock Comes To iOS 4: iPhone 3GS & 4 BE FREE! August 2, 2010 1102 views Boy Genius Report: “It’s pretty much a one swipe action to totally jail break your phone. It was so easy…