Tag: ads
Robelus Wireless Comes to Canada
http://youtu.be/3GfRjX2mCp0 I will be the first to admit that we Canucks get the Great White Shaft when it comes to Superbowl commercials but this one ad from Public Mobile for Roam Raging on Robelus Wireless is simply awesome.
The Inconvenience of Saving our Planet
Now I will be the first to admit that I’m no saint when it comes to my own environmental issues. I do own a snow blower and drive 6 KM to work; I also suffer from a bad back and like to smell nice for my clients and colleagues. That said Schultzter’s recent post about…
New iPod Touch ad breaks the Yahoo Homepage.
This is actually a brilliantly innovative way of properly using advertising and coding magic. Well Done [ad name=”2fatdads_post”]