Dadcast DadCast Episode 28 • The Green Lantern of Valois Bay November 4, 2010 1944 views Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… In part two of this week’s show with Pier-Luc Petitclerc we…
Editorial Advertising via Automated Phone Message, a bad idea. November 3, 2010 1121 views I sent this email to The Brick furniture store today after an absolutely stupid ‘phone’ call. It was sent in…
Stuff Apple and Near Field Communications November 1, 2010 1324 views iPhone 5 will be remote computing on steroids | 9 to 5 Mac iPhone 5 will be remote computing on…
Stuff BGR on the MacBook Air November 1, 2010 1119 views Apple MacBook Air review | BGR: “Soon, all laptops will not require moving parts, they will also offer almost instant…