Tag: siri
Corporate Greed is the Worst Public Relations at Yellow Pages
You know those thick yellow books we all have at home, that are really useful for boosting up kids at the dining table when you run out of actual booster seats? Well, turns-out there was a time before tablets, smart phones, and the Internet when people actually marched their fingers through those books to find…
Data Congestion Warnings for 2012
In fact, according to a new report from network management firm Arieso, iPhone 4S owners use twice as much data as their iPhone 4-using brethren, and nearly three times as much as iPhone 3G users. The data is part of an overall trend of growing data usage among smartphone owners, with Arieso warning that data…
How BlackBerry Can Make It Up to Its Customers Comic – Still Not Good Enough
Seriously, the whole thing was handled pretty badly and it could not have happened at a worse time. Three whole days of outages, just as you biggest competitor to date is about to launch a phone that you can talk to, ask it questions and rely on it as a useful personal assistant. via AllThingsD.